Organizing and chairing conferences
I was organizing chair of BPM 2023.
I was organizing chair of the Workarounds in Information Systems workshop at ECIS 2023.
I was RPA forum chair of BPM 2021.
I was program chair of REFSQ 2014, IWSPM 2012, IWSPM 2013, and ICSOB 2011.
I was track chair of the ECIS tracks ‘Cloud Computing Services’ (2015) and ‘Cloud Computing and Services in Global Settings’ (2013)
Program committees and editorial work
I was/am a member of various program committees, such as ECIS, BPM, RPA Forum, REFSQ, ER, CAiSE Forum, RE, EMMSAD, ICSOB, ME, SWQD, IWSPM, PRET, and IWSECO.
I was an editor of the special issue on Robotic Process Automation for Computers in Industry
I have reviewed for Information Systems Journal, Business & Information Systems Engineering, IEEE Software, Information & Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Systems and Software, Information & Software Technology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and various conferences and workshops.
Chair of the Education and Advisory Committee for Information Science Master Programmes (Business Informatics and Human Computer Interaction (2019-2023)
Chair of the Program Committee of the MSc Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2014-2017)
Vice chair of the Association for Software Product Management (2008-2013)
Chair of the Requirements Management Workgroup, which was part of the Platform for Product Software, a non-profit association of product software companies in the Netherlands (2005-2007)